• Primary Care and You Survey

    Colleen Lindholm | November 1, 2016


    We want to hear from you
    Camrose PCN asks the public what they think about primary care

    What contributes to high quality primary care? The Camrose Primary Care Network (PCN) believes asking patients directly is the best way to find out.

    Beginning on November 1st, the Camrose PCN will be asking individuals to tell us about their relationship with their family doctor as well as their experience with their family doctor’s office and the Camrose PCN.  

    The survey will focus on three (3) main themes: Patient Satisfaction; Patient Experience and Patient Outcomes. Data collected from this project will provide the PCN and its team of family physicians and healthcare providers with collected information used to support future programming. In 2013, the Camrose PCN conducted the same survey and used the feedback to help frame their 2014-17 Business Plan. “The information we received from the survey participants gave really good insight into how people understand what Primary Care is and how it is being accessed in our community,” says Stacey Strilchuk, Executive Director of the Camrose PCN. 

    The survey will run until November 25th and interested individuals can participate online here or complete the survey in hard copy at the Smith Clinic, the Gemini Health Centre, City Centre Walk-in Clinic, Bashaw Clinic, Daysland Medical Clinic, Forestburg Medical Clinic, Hardisty Medical Clinic and both medical clinics in Tofield.

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